Iron Age

Online Iron Age notes:
Sample Essay:


The Iron age in Ireland occurs circa 500BC – 400AD.

The Iron age in Ireland was particularly common in the north and north west of the country.

The Iron age is the period in Irish history about which there is most speculation and least certainty.

This period was influenced by the La Tene culture and the Celts, who travelled to Ireland from Europe, bringing with them there skills in metalwork and decorative elements in artwork.

At this time, Iron was the main metal used to make weapons as it was very strong, these included knives, axes and functional objects such as cooking utensils. 

However bronze and gold were still used during this time because these metals do not rust or decay like iron.

NEW TECHNIQUESSoldering and Enamelling
In easiest terms, Enameling is the fusing of glass to metal under high heat conditions.
Soldering is a process in which two or more metal items are joined together by melting and flowing a filler metal (solder) into the joint, the filler metal having a lower melting point than the workpiece.
Repousee – hammering a design on the reverse of the iron

Le Tene : 

The La Tene culture got its name as some of the Celtic people came from an area known as La Tene near Lake Neuchated in Switzerland.

A common ritual/characteristic of the culture was to throw objects into the lakes as a ceremonial offering.  
La Tene was a prime example of a European Celtic site, with a great deposits of weapons and other objects found in the lake.
The La Tene style and culture reached as far as the Mediterranean and the east, including Greece, this has influenced the style of artwork associated with this time.

La Tene Artwork

The artwork from this time was varied but repetitive and very decorative.
Motifs were influenced by Eastern and Greek ideas – with an emphasis on plant forms, honeysuckle, and flowing tendrils.  They were blended together to form a distinctive style of abstract and curvilinear patterns.  This style was known as the Waldalgesheim style.

Ultimate La Tene

Later in the iron age there was a change in the style of design:
The patterns became lighter and more symmetrical.
The vegetal designs of the insular style gave way to more geometric styles of ultimate La Tene – tis continued into the Christian era

     Metal Work     
Loughnashade Trumpet:
Form: it is made from two tubes of sheets bronze joined by a knob in the middle.  It has a decorative plate/disc attached to the end.  This design is lighter and more linear than earlier work.
Function: it was used as a trumpet, to create sound perhaps during rituals or before going into battle.
Location:  found in Loughnashade Co. Antrim
Decoration: The mouthpiece is decorated by a rimmed circular disc.  The designed excuted in Repousséand consist of four part pattern of linear curves.   The spiral bosses are in high relief, with large spirals ending the curvilinear forms.  It is based on the roman pelta motif and is almost perfectly symmetricalThe lotus flower has links to Egypt and is included in the motif. The circular diac has broader areas in relief at the ends of the curves.
Technique: The curved trumpet was made by rolling a tube of bronze and reviting the sides to a strip of bronze on the inside.

Petrie Crown:
Form: Circular, concave-shaped disc mounted on a band of metal with conical horns behind. A row of small holes on the band suggests that fabric may have been stitched to it. 
Function: It is considered to be a crown and was possibly worn on special occasions.
Decoration : Decorated in low-relief curvilinear patterns, which is cut away rather than repoussé. Stylised bird heads feature at the end of the spirals and trumpet curves.
Metalwork technique: The horns were made by folding a sheet of bronze into conical shape and riveting the edge to an under sheet of copper. The design continues over the rivets, indicating that it was cut away after the horn was in position.

Broighter Hoard :
A hoard found at Brighter, Co. Derry is the richest collection of gold objects from Iron Age Ireland.
Unfortunately, when the hoard was discovered by farmers ploughing a field some damage was caused to the items.

Broighter Collar:
Form: Elaborate design. Broken in two pieces and the piece that may have been a decorative hinge at the nape of the neck missing. 
Function: Neck Ornament
Decoration : Repoussé. Foliage and leaf motifs. Raised spirals bosses have been clipped on to give the appearance of flower heads. Traditional and newer La Téne decorative styles.
Metalwork technique: Decoration was applied to sheets of gold while flat. Then rolled into tubes, soldered together and filled with hot wax to heat the metal before bending. An elaborate locking device was attached to the front end of each hoop.

Test yourself:

  1. What era did the Iron Age span from and to?
  2. What is the term given to the art work of this period?
  3. What is the name of the Lake where similar artworks were found (name the country too)?
  4. The _____ style was based in nature. Name three natural designs which are evident on the works of 

    this time?
  5. The Broighter Hoard was found where?
  6. Name 3 objects found in the Broighter Hoard.
  7. What is the technique called that was used  to create the designs on the most decorative of these pieces.
  8. What is the name of the most famous stone from this era?
  9. On this stone with a 3 pronged design is seen. Name it.
  10. True or False: The Petrie Crown consists of two dish shaped disc attached to a band, with a cone rising from

    behind one of the discs.
  11. What does the term Curvilinear mean?
  12. True or False Stylised human, animal and bird heads were often seen in Iron Age artefacts.
  13. The Iron Age is when the Celts came to Ireland. Where are the Celts from?
  14. True or False. The Petrie Crown, despite its delicate construction survived intact.

   Leaving Cert Questions:  

(H.L. 2013)

The “Petrie Crown” illustrated on the accompanying sheet is an example of a remarkable change in style that took place during the Iron Age. 
Discuss this statement referring to the function, form, and style of the Petrie Crown, and to the materials and techniques used in its production and decoration. 
andName and describe one example of decorative stone carving from this period.
Illustrate your answer.

(O.L. 2015)

The arrival of the Celts in Ireland gave rise to a distinctive style of decoration used in stone carving and metalwork.
Answer (a), (b) and (c).
(a) Name and briefly discuss this style.
(b) Name, describe and discuss the object below referring to form, function, materials, decoration and the techniques used in its production. 

And(c) Name and briefly describe one other example of stone carving or metalwork from this period. Illustrate your answer.

  Example Essay Plan   

Introduction​ : The time frame, how is it different from the previous period (the bronze age).
Who has come to Ireland? La Tene Style influences..etc

Paragraph 1
Form​ -​ Discuss the shapes / material of the objects - is it one piece? Multiple pieces...etc
Describe Object 1
Describe Object 2

Paragraph 2
Function​ - Discuss what the object was used for and how 
Describe Object 1
Describe Object 2

Paragraph 3
Decoration/style​ - Discuss the material, designs and patterns (la tene- explain
Describe Object 1
Describe Object 2

Paragraph 4
Metalwork/Stone Techniques​ - The tools and details of how they were created. 
Describe Object 1
Describe Object 2

Paragraph 5
People of the Time​ - the craftsmen - how they lived.
( this paragraph can be either last or straight after introduction)


(Sketches can be throughout the essay after a paragraph or at the end)

Sketches are worth 10/50 marks in some questions they need to be accurate​ and​ labeled!
  • ●  You should be able to describe both metal work & stone works from this period under these headings.
  • ●  Create sketches describing the form and decoration of the objects.

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