Monday 24 October 2016

National Botanic Gardens of Ireland - School Trip

Trip to the Botanical Gardens to visit their
 current exhibition 'Sculpture in Context' 

Artist : Kira O'Brien. Medium: Ceramics

Artist : F. Massey. Medium: Ceramics.

Consider lighting and placement of work. Example these works by the same artist placed in two different areas of the room both on plinths. The light affects the work differently. 

Consider how this is different. Work is hung on wall - How? How is the light different here? - Above the glass sculptures some of the exhibition is highlighted with spotlights. 

When examining a piece of art truly investigate the sculpture, at a first glance you may not inherit its extraordinary qualities. This piece of work displayed bees incased its hollowed details.

Other work from the exhibition room :




Exhibition that continued outside into the gardens : 



Also in the gardens was a Viking Home 


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