Thursday 20 September 2018

Photography Tips & Competition Information

Art & Photography Competition is open for entries!
Closing date 26th October 2018

The competition is a great way to show your artistic abilities and have fun through photography or an artwork! (You do not need to be an art student to enter this competition.)

The competition has themes, which are starting points for your ideas based on 'The Five Ways to Wellbeing.'

The themes are :
  1. Connect
  2. Take Notice
  3. Keep Learning
  4. Be Active
  5. Give
  • Your entries must be landscape
  • Entries can be printed a4 or sent to Miss Dignam by email.
5 chances to win €500
5 chances to win €250
4 chances to win €150
2 chances to win €100
& many more prizes to be won!

See the source image

Simple Example Idea: 
  Close up photograph of two cups of tea - a setting of two people who possibly had a conversation, with hands casting a shadow.  

Click here to see last years winners: 

Here are some tips from the slideshow.

Explained: The rule of thirds states than an image is most pleasing when its subjects or regions are composed along vertical or horizontal imaginary lines which divide the image into thirds, or placed at the intersections of these lines. 

Your photo becomes more balanced and the viewer will interact with it more naturally. 
People’s eyes usually go to one of the intersection points more naturally rather than the centre of the shot – using the rule of thirds works with this natural way of viewing an image rather than working against it.

Explained: Leading lines are lines within an image that lead the eye to another point in the image, often to the main subject of the photograph. 
A good leading line provides a sense of flow and balance to an image and draws the viewer in almost like a magnet.

Explained: Can an ordinary and seemingly boring subject be presented in an interesting and thoughtful way? It can if you experiment with ‘Unusual Viewpoint’

People enjoy looking at things in a new way because it helps them think about things in a new way.

Explained: Is the background of your photograph important? 
Consider of what you are trying to capture and see if it is needed.


Consider lighting!! 

Look at these film examples and how light can add a 
sense of mood to dramatise an image/scene. 

Images Credit:
MHI & Google search engine 

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