Monday 14 November 2016

Create your own Tripod for your iPad

Create your own tripod for your iPad for less than €20! 

Using simple PVC pipes and plumping joints found at any good 
hardware store you can create one of these.
 When everything is cut I used cement glue to solidify 
the form some of the pipes! 

 Start off with a basic sketch - measure your iPad to make sure it will fit inside the frame!

*Double Check!* Test does your iPad fit in after cutting the pipes to shape just to make sure they are correct! Glue these pipes together! 

(yes, that lovely shadow is me!) 
So far you have created your frame and glued it together !
 Now this is piece two! Creating the base of the tripod!
 * When gluing these pieces make sure it is all flat to a surface!* 

Now onto the third piece! This is where the frame will be attached and how it will move up and down to a preference of height! Using a drill create holes and a large screw to hold in place!

Connect the long pipe into the base which has been glued and is dry. Attach the frame to the pipe and voilà !

The Tripod in Action! 
Students using the tripod creating their Stop Motion Animation!

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