Saturday 7 April 2018

J.C Still Life Tips & Example

Junior Cert - 1 hr Still Life exam 

   Example Still Life Objects  2017   

Choose one item from either category A or B below and name it on your drawing sheet: 

Category A – Natural Forms                       Category B – Man-Made Forms
salad leaves
a red pepper
a fish
a dead insect
a half
peeled apple 
sausages and rashers 
a flower
a bread roll

a cupcake
a bicycle helmet
a toy car or tractor
a toy for my dog
knitting needles and wool
boxing gloves or other sports equipment 

a gardening glove
head phones
an open purse or wallet
a badminton or tennis racquet
a light bulb

Ordinary Level
Make a drawing of the complete form or a drawing of a part of it. The part may be enlarged in order to explore its features.
Higher Level
Make a drawing of the complete form and a drawing of a part of it. The part may be enlarged in order to explore its features. 

         T I P S !         
  1.  Layout your object(s) to make an interesting arrangement and find the best view of your object(s). 
  2. Create a tonal scale/grid in the corner of your page 
  3. Using a pencil lightly map out your composition where the objects are using as much of the page as possible 
  4. Continue to make sure your proportions and sizing is correct 
  5. Begin to add detail! Add tone and blend! Use your tonal scale for help - make sure you are achieving the the light and dark effects! 

Click this link for a pdf for more tips :

      Finished Examples      
   Image result for junior cert artRelated imageRelated image

Examples found searching JC Still Life Drawing on google search engine. 

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