Saturday 7 April 2018

Life Drawing (Human Form) LC & JC

Examples found searching LC & JC Life Drawing on google search engine. 

   Leaving Certificate.   

Exam Time is 1 HR (one 30 min pose & one 15 min pose)
2 human form drawings will be completed during this time
  1. (a) First Poseand the drawing must be of the complete figure.

    (b) Second Pose. You may choose either the complete figure or the halffigure option. The second is a more fully worked drawing of a thirtyminute pose. 
    If you choose the halffigure option, you must draw the pose and include the head, neck, shoulders, upper arms, elbows and hands. 

Example of Models Pose

(a) First Pose – Duration 15 minutes (20 marks)                 

The model should be in a standing position with his/her
  • feet slightly apart with weight on right leg
  • right arm outstretched
  • right hand holding handle of brush
  •  left hand resting on left hip with four fingers visible from the front
  • head facing up.

(b) Second Pose – Duration 30 minutes (30 marks)                   
The model should be seated on a chair with his/her

  • feet slightly apart with feet flat on floor
  • model leaning forward
  • boss of hurley / hockey stick on the ground between the model’s feet
  • hands resting on the top of hurley / hockey stick, right over left
  • chin resting on the hands
  • head facing forward.

                              HELPFUL YOUTUBE VIDEOS                              
  • This is a great video that is the 30mins seated pose - shows you how to map out your model

  • This is another helpful video for mapping out the 15min standing pose


  Junior Certificate.  

Exam time is 90mins. 
1 Human form drawing will be complete.

Example of Models Pose
Category C – The Human Form
The live model should be seated on a chair, facing forward.
The model’s knees should be together and feet firmly on the floor.

The model’s right hand should be resting on the right hip and the left hand placed against the chest with back of hand facing outward.
The model’s facial features must be visible – any long hair should be tied back.
Ordinary Level and Higher Level
You are required to make a drawing of the live model showing the complete pose.
You are required to make a drawing of the live model showing the head and shoulders. All facial features visible to you must be recorded in your drawing. 

* A candidate will lose marks in the marking scheme, under the headings if he/she submits a drawing of a pose that is not described in the examination paper.

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