Sunday 29 April 2018

Leaving Cert - Life Drawing Exam 2018!

12.5% of your overall Art Exam

     Ordinary Level     

(a) First Pose – Duration 15 minutes (20 marks) 

 The model is in a standing position with his/her 

 feet firmly on the ground 
 right foot slightly forward, weight on left leg 
 left hand in left pocket 
 right arm down by right side 
 right hand holding a water bottle 
 head facing left.

(b) Second Pose – Duration 30 minutes (30 marks) 

 The model is seated on a chair with his/her

  feet firmly on the ground   
 A4 sketch pad held in left hand with left thumb visible 
 sketch pad resting on the lap 
 right hand resting on the sketchpad and holding a pencil 
 head facing forward.

    Higher Level    

(a) First Pose – Duration 15 minutes (20 marks) 

The model should be in a standing position with his/her

  left foot slightly forward, weight on right leg
  upper body bent slightly forward
  hands holding a sweeping brush ready to sweep the floor 
 right hand above left hand on the brush handle 
 head looking downward at the floor ahead

(b) Second Pose – Duration 30 minutes (30 marks)

 The model should be seated upright on a chair with his/her 

 feet crossed at ankles, legs stretched forward
  elbows bent with hands at chest height 
 left hand holding a cup and saucer
 right hand holding the cup handle 
 head tilted to the right, looking forward

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