Sunday 11 February 2018

1st & 2nd YR Homework - Sketchbooks

1st & 2nd Year Homework

Each week students are asked to create one piece 
of homework from a list of themes in their sketchbook.
They then base their homework on that theme. 

There are only two rules:
Rule 1: 
Your drawing must be labelled (the name of the theme).

Rule 2:
If you have drawn something from your imagination one week, the following week you must draw objects/something in front of you. 

Example : Week 1 : Theme: School 
- You create a drawing of your pencil case & pens that are infront of you, you try get all the details you see using shading & blending.

Week 2: Theme : Something Shiny
- You create an imagined drawing of the moon & and a shooting stars - still you add detail, shading & blending.

Drawing things from your imagination and from infront of you (observational drawing) are both very important skills in art, we need to keep both of them improving!

Here are some examples of two students sketchbooks: 

These two students draw mainly 
from observation (things infront of them)

Something man-made      
Somethingyou wear      
Art Materials





Eyes & Hands                          

Something from your childhood


Something Shiny part1      part2

Something Yummy

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