Sunday 25 February 2018

Homework - Sketchbooks, New themes!

Each week pick one theme for homework & tick it off.
You must use the whole page and fill it with drawings & notes /information /ideas -
describe what your looking at!
If you draw from your imagination one week, 
you MUST draw an object in front of you the following week.

Week 1: “Design a postcard” -
I draw the sea and the beach from my imagination/images on my phone.

Week 2: “Tools”
I draw tools in front of me, I get a hammer and a wrench, I draw everything I can see and investigate the objects. 

Your homework is only once a week & should last a MINIMUM of 30 minutes. You must :  
  1. Label the homework title
  2. Create a tonal grid
  3. Use the whole page & write notes
  4. Tone, Shade & Blend!!!!!!
  5. If possible use colour (& shade).
  6. Put effort in!

If homework does not have shading/or not complete with the best effort it will not be accepted.
Students will be asked to complete it again.
for Help/ Inspiration :

(images from pinterest boards)

Here is an updated list of themes to pick from:

Collage - (magazines/newspaper & drawing)
Fruit or/and vegetables
Poster for a movie (must have lettering & image)
My favourite object
Create work inspired by an Artist
My Dinner/Food I ate (list the ingredients)
Something from Pinterest
A corner in my room/house
Tools - drawing or building : pencils/hammer etc.
A place I’d like to visit- draw a map/ images from that place.
Design a postcard for Ireland (must have 60c on it)
Faces - close ups of eyes needed
A watch/piece of jewelry
Design a runner/shoe
Looking in the mirror
Collage - juxtaposition (see pinterest- collage board)
Zoom in! (Draw an object & zoom in on an area)
Keys / keys in hands
People - sitting / standing - full bodies needed
Create your own cartoon character - has to be wearing an unusual hat

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